Google Classroom for Parents & Caregivers

Using Google Classroom teachers can post lessons, enable students to communicate with each other via the message board, and create assignments that can be collected and marked digitally. Much of the work students do in Classroom involves using the Google Workspace digital tools, including Docs, Slides, Drive and Forms. In other instances work is completed on paper and photographed for upload.

Video Instructions

When at school students often have access to District managed Chromebooks. These laptops allow them to connect to Classroom with just a few clicks. Students working from home may need to use a family computer, which can be unfamiliar to them. This video describes how to use your personal Chromebook, or a Windows, Mac or Linux computer at home to connect to Google Classroom. Mobile phones and tablets are difficult to use for many tasks assigned in Google Classroom, although they are helpful for uploading paper documents. If your family does not have a dependable laptop or desktop computer to complete school work please contact your child’s school for assistance.

Step by Step Instructions

Browse the slides in this presentation at your own pace: