
Installing Software

There are a number of ways to install software and applications on the educator laptop:

  1. Add District licensed programs with one click by using the SD61 Software Center.
  2. Use the educator laptop install account to install software that you know is not malware, and that meets the acceptable use guidelines. If this account was not setup when you got your laptop please create a helpedesk ticket for assistance.
  3. Submit a Web Help Desk ticket for assistance with installing work related software.
  4. Use a personal Microsoft account to install an app from the Windows Store (not recommended for work related software as it requires you to setup/use a personal account).

Installing District Supplied Apps and Printers

Click on the printer image below, or this link, to view the instructions for adding district printers and/or apps from Software Center.

Note: You must be logged into your G Suite (sd61learn) account to view this document.