What is the GVSD External Email Banner?
The External Email Banner is a new warning label that will appear on all external email in your GVSD inbox. It is meant to help you identify potentially malicious phishing emails. The banner looks like the image below (NOTE: it may look slightly different on your computer or mobile device, but the text will be the same):
What are External Emails?
External emails are messages received from sources outside of the district. We recognize that you regularly receive valid emails from external senders (ex. parents, known vendors, community partners). The warning does not necessarily indicate that the email is malicious, only that users should exercise caution and judgement in opening any attachments and links; and be wary of any requests to submit personal information or process financial transactions.
What is Phishing?
Phishing is a criminal scheme that uses email messages to defraud individuals and organizations. The email is disguised as trustworthy, but in reality it contains malicious elements. Incidents of phishing have increased dramatically in recent years, and the damages for those who are affected, including school districts and their employees, can be considerable.
What should I do if I suspect an email is Phishing?
Any suspicious emails that you receive in your GVSD inbox should be reported immediately by forwarding them to spam@sd61.bc.ca. If you have accidentally responded to a message, or clicked a link that you believe was malicious please contact the Helpdesk at: 250-475-4188.