Searching for Shared Files in Google Drive

Google is introducing new search operators—and altering how some current operators work—to make it easier to search for shared files from within Google Drive. Use the search terms below to find shared files more easily:

  • “from:” will now return files shared with you by the specified email address. Previously, it would have returned files owned by that email address.
  • “to:” will now return files that you have shared with the specified email address. Previously, it would have returned all files that the email address had permissions to view, comment, or edit.
  • “sharedwith:” is a new search operator which will return files that the specified email address owns or has permission to view, comment or edit.
  • “owner:” returns files owned by the specified email address. There is no change to this operator, but you can use it to return the results you would previously have used the “from:” operator for.

You can see complete documentation from Google, including an animated GIF here.