Khan Academy
Khan Academy is a non-profit educational resource with a broad range of courses, individual lessons and diagnostic tools. The video below gives a brief outline of how and why the... Read more
Prodigy is a math learning app designed to function as a video game in the Fantasy genre. Parents are encouraged to join, and can pay for an annual membership to... Read more
Epic is a collection of over 40,000 high-quality digital books—including many current titles—that appeal to students from Kindergarten to Gr. 7. The video below gives a brief outline of how... Read more
Edublogs is a student blogging environment built on the popular web-publishing platform WordPress. The video below gives a brief outline of how and why the tool might be used in... Read more
Scratch is an educational tool that teaches students about coding through a series of building-block tools. Students can create their own games and animations, and view the work of other... Read more