Three New Features for Google Meet

Google Meet has recently added three features that will enhance video conferencing in remote and blended learning scenarios.

  1. The Auto and Tiled views now show up to 49 participants. A slider is included to adjust the number of tiles for users with a poor connection. The ability to view additional tiles is limited to devices using desktop browsers (i.e. desktops, laptops and Chromebooks). See this post for full details.
  2. Google Meet now includes a “blur” feature that obscures the background during a video call. This post explains how the feature works. The feature will not be available on all devices immediately.
  3. Meeting hosts can now manage participants by toggling “Quick access” off and on. With Quick access on users joining the meeting from the District G Suite domain (i.e. an account ending in can enter the meeting without knocking. With Quick access off all participants must knock to join. Full details here.