Top 3 Reasons to Reboot

Just imagine you wait all that time on the phone to get help with a serious challenge only to hear, “Have you rebooted your machine.” You may have been in the middle of something or have many windows open that you absolutely need to stay open.

Unfortunately, machines can’t be reasoned with and rebooting solves many issues. Here are the top 3 reasons to reboot your machine.

  1.  Security – Windows performs system and security updates during the reboot process. Powering on/off or closing the lid does not update your educator laptop. As you know security is a top priority and rebooting your machine keeps you up to date with the latest patches and fixes.
  2.  Smoother Navigating – Memory on a computer is not infinite, the constant opening and closing of applications uses up RAM and while unused RAM is supposed to return to be available for use, it’s not always the case. Many applications even after closing still tap into the computer’s memory. A slow-running computer in many cases is a clear indication that memory is limited and needs to be released.
  3.  Staying Connected – The ITL department is always making improvements to the network and the many systems across the entire GVSD. Rebooting ensures that your educator laptop receives these changes. Reboots also keep your direct access to files on your H Drive, if a machine isn’t regularly rebooted you may lose access to your files remotely.

It is recommended to reboot your educator laptop daily or at least weekly. Windows updates ‘stack up’ meaning that the longer the gaps between reboots, the longer time it will take to update. Regular updates usually take minutes saving time in the classroom. Not running weekly updates can disrupt instructional time making the educator useable during this process. Many educators will reboot their machine when they arrive on site each day or at the end of the week before heading home for the weekend. Making updates part of your daily routine will keep your machine happy.