Posts Categorized: Google
Keep Organized with Google Keep
Google Keep is a note-taking and list application that works really well with other tools in GSuite. You can use it to organize individual or collaborative to-do lists that multiple... Read more
Share to Google Classroom
Share to Classroom is a Chrome extension that allows you to push a specific URL (website) to all of your students. It avoids having to write a long URL on... Read more
Find your Recent Google Drive Files by Sorting by Date
Google Drive is a powerful tool for file organization, but sometimes it can be frustrating to find the exact file we are looking for if we can't remember the exact... Read more
G Suite Training Extension
Do you have a question about anything Google-related? The G Suite Training Chrome Extension may be what you need. The G Suite Training extension allows you to ask a question... Read more
Google Classroom for Parents & Caregivers
Using Google Classroom teachers can post lessons, enable students to communicate with each other via the message board, and create assignments that can be collected and marked digitally. Much of... Read more